Friday 1 February 2013

Persil Adverting Analysis

This advert is about Persil washing powder but with a twist its also so adding to the perches of the washing powder the chance to get a free Madagascar puppets from the children's TV show. The advert start with the begging of the new Madagascar film out in the pictures which most children like because no real animal can talk so it creates a imagination for the child to believe in.  

This advert is appropriate because it creates an elision for the children that see also give mums and dads a reason the perches Persil to win a free toy for a son or daughter however his advert is inappropriate because there using toys to make children fours there parents to get this washing up powder  so there kids can have the free puppet also this is misleading and a waste of powerful media time once again because there not showing the product as much as they should there mainly adverting Madagascar which has nothing to do with Persil. This could be adverted better by having son/daughter wearing a white t-shirt showing how the product removes stains and leave them clean and smelling fresh as they smile with there madagascar puppet.

This stroy is base on Madagascar film as well as the toys but adverted with Persil washing powder which is misleading because your not sure if its about the childrens show or the washing up powder. The constant repete of the childrens show loses the hole point of the ad being about Persil when the focus should be on the product and its qualities.

 I didnt find the advertment funny but i thought the puppets were cute which made the advertment fun to watch.

 I thought the music was funky like a jingle and the voice over was really good it was funky and clear sounded very happy and excetidedalso the voice over was inspiring and captivated thhe audience.

I think that they could of taken more of a advantage of the product by showing it more and showing what the product is capabile of that might of helped capture a bigger wider buying audience instead of using childrens toys which only got some familys to buy because they were using toys which was weak.

 There was a couple close us of the Madagascar puppet and maybe one or two of the washing powder which was the main reason for the advertiestment which in my eyes didnt really help to sell the product. I think the camera angles were more concerned about highlighting the puppet more then showing the washing up powder.

 As the advert began it was about the puppet being sold in shop near peoples houses and then about 8 second into the advert the voice over menshioned Persil that the puppet were being sold in the product Persil washing up powder which i found quite misleading up till then.

The advert it self was confusing becuause it payed more emphasise to the Madagascar puppets. The presentation was good but poor at the same time by only showing random shots of the washing powder but no informatsion about what qualities the product has. The target audience was kids mainly because there advertiested Madagascar toys which attracted them to watch because the toys are from a childrens show. The overall rate for the add is 7 out of 10.

  • Misleading: This was misleading because you were unsure what the advert was about.

  • Advert: I thought the product that was being sold was Madagascar toys so it was confusing.

  • Conclusion:i found the advert was inspring how they trick children into getting there mum or dads to buy the product.

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