Friday 8 February 2013

Persil Print Advert

1.    Is there a story? What is it? Why is it appropriate/not appropriate for your product? This story is about two females walking past each other as one of them females look her up and down wondering how she got her clothes so white. She looks jealous because of the colour of her clothes are dull compered to hers. This print ad is appropriateiate because its proving that the clothes do get brighter by using Persil however this is not appropriate because there using women to sell the product as well as making this ad sexists.

2.  How is the story told? Flashback? Repetitive images? powder makes your clothes fresh and soft.

3.    Humour - is there any? How is it used? I didn’t feel there was any humour found it very boring and uninformative.

4.  The use of lighting and special effects? The colouring of the print advert is old fashioned and boring.

5.   The camera angles. What do they do? Is close-up used? Long shots? The camera shot was wide to show both females and the text. I feel that the camera angles were more concerned about highlighting the point the Persil brightens your clothes reason for the one female in dull clothing and the other in bright looking clothes.

6.    How quickly into the ad do you realise that what is being advertised? What is the significance of this? In the print advert its getting right to the point that Persil brightens your clothes and shows by how that used the big logo and big text of then brand Persil.

7.   Talk about the presentation of the product. How much detail about it is given? Does it appear a lot or hardly at all? The advert its self is very good how they have layed it out showing the product and all the logos of the product and how it works but its pays more emphasise on the females and the brightly coloured clothes.

8.   What about the words? Do you see print? What sort? How often? There is a lot of text and information which tells and shows how it works. There is a lot of information on the print advert all over it which its quite useful.

9.   The target audience. Who is this advert meant to appeal to? The target audience is mother or women because there two females no males and mostly mothers and women care what there clothes condition are in.

10. Has your brief been met? I think the brief was met because they had lots of infomation inlculding how good the product is showing the brands qualities in a good enough light.

11.  How do you rate the ad’s overall effectiveness in selling the product? I rate the over all print advert for Persil 7 out of 10 because they got all the information in about the product also inspiring because it a create way to show how the product can make you think about how the colour of the clothes.

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