Thursday 7 February 2013

Persil Print Advert

    1.    Is there a story? What is it? Why is it appropriate/not appropriate for your product? 

    The story is about a women in bright coloured clothes and that she washes her clothes in persil washing up powder because she likes to have everything smelling fresh and clean tidy. This advert  is appropriate because it makes your clothes clean and leaves clothes smelling as fragrant as flowers also sensitive to young children’s skins and adults however this advert is not appropriate because it aimed only at women because they used a female on the print poster. This advert is sexiest because there are no males which makes me think that they purposely pointing the finger at female to do the washing up.

2.            How is the story told? Flashback? Repetitive images? The story is base predominately on the female doing the cleaning which is misleading because not only females do the washing up some males do to! As the advert is about how good the washing powder is there is only a little image of the washing up powder in the bottom left corner which you dont see right away. The advert focus on modern females in the 50's to 60's times.

3.     Humour - is there any? How is it used?  There is no humour in the print post because there nothing funny about the image or texts.

4.     The use of lighting and special effects? The way the print poster has been layed out with very old looking colours and image of the female wearing out dated clothes and texts.

5.     The camera angles. What do they do? Is close-up used? Long shots? The camera shot that was used was a wide shot showing the female and the area she standing around and all the objects used in the background.

6.    How quickly into the ad do you realise that what is being advertised? What is the significance of this? Looking at the image for a couple of seconds were i seen the logo at the bottom left corner of the Persil washing up box i realised that the image was about Persil which confusing me a little.

7.     Talk about the presentation of the product. The Presentation of this print advert was misleading because they only shown a women with a duster in bright coloured clothes could of bin amied at any other product which had anything to do with cleaning only by chance i seen the tiny logo at the bottom which i would of done differently by using a massive box of Persil and having a funny saying next to it that had something to do with cleaning.

8.     What about the words? Do you see print? What sort? How often? There is a lot of text but you can hardly make sence of them becuase to small to read for me and maybe anyone else who cant read small text. The text is imforming you about the product which is Persil by telling what is does what its good at and how you can use it for washing youre clothes.

9.     The target audience. Who is this advert meant to appeal to? The target audience is female mainly mother or parents. I think this could of bin used to a better advantage and a boarder audience.

10.   Has your brief been met? I dont think the brief has been met entirely becuase the print advert it self was quite misleading and did not take advantage of the wider audience or portray the product and it qualities.

11.   How do you rate the ad’s overall effectiveness in selling the product? I rate ad 6 out of 10 becuase it was confusing.

  • Sexiest: It was amied at a women.
  • Print advert: Lack of imagination.
  • Conclusion:I found this print advert uninspiring misleading and unimaginative and not captivating  

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